Wednesday, August 3, 2016

8. Venus & How We Express Love

The planet Venus stands for the affections and how we express them. These are examples of Venus in the signs, so you need to get a natal chart constructed to know which sign Venus was in when you were born. There are several sites that offer free horoscope charts, and the one I find handy for beginners (it’s in English) is Register, look for the ‘free personalized horoscope in the left margin, enter your data, make note of what planets are in what signs and houses, then return to read how you express your feelings of love. 
Venus in Aries is usually very energetic and competitive when seeking the affections of the objects of their interests. Quite passionate in love and enthusiastic in the chase, they can be impulsive and unstable. They can also be self-centered and demanding.

Venus in Taurus is stable, constant and steadfast. They love good food, luxurious surroundings and an opulent lifestyle. They value artistic items and tend to purchase items of long lasting quality. They are close with nature and enjoy gardening. Can be possessive.

Venus in Gemini loves change, variety and spontaneity in their social lives, and capable of devoting themselves. They dislike people with coarse and rude attitudes, but can match them if provoked. They enjoy conversation with people whose minds are as agile as theirs.

Venus in Cancer is super sensitive when it comes to their romantic feelings. They hide their vulnerable feelings behind a dignified façade. They are moody (like the Moon ruler) and unpredictable. They mainly marry for domestic stability, a demonstrative partner makes them feel cherished.

Venus in Leo loves life, social gatherings, anywhere they can shine. They expect to be the life of any party. They are born romantics and use their natural acting abilities to court. Can be jealous, but enjoys showing off their object of desire. Affectionate, outgoing and usually quite loyal.

Venus in Virgo tends to be overly analytical; too critical of those they love which can alienate them. They have high standards for their ideal mates and sometimes their reluctance to open up and express themselves stands in the way of developing relationships.

Venus in Libra has no difficulty understanding the needs and feelings of their partners and seeks friends and lovers to share close personal bonds. They are considerate, social, romantic, affectionate and to them sex is not enough to base a relationship on.

Venus in Scorpio has intense emotions, sexual desires are strong, romantic drives are passionate as well as secretive. They have an all-or-nothing attitude toward love and romance, and if wronged, become very bitter, cold and calculating. Once betrayed, the trust aspect can never be repaired.

Venus in Sagittarius tends to be honest, open, sociable, outgoing, vivacious with a tendency to try and convert their lovers to their beliefs and principles. They usually marry in the traditional sense but are unafraid to walk on the wild side of romance. Loves travel, sports and outdoor fun.

Venus in Capricorn is like the other Earth signs, seek emotional security through status and wealth. Likes to be wooed and is usually reserved in their behavior, viewing public displays of affection with distain. Capable of extreme sensuality behind closed doors. They are loyal yet dignified.

Venus in Aquarius is popular, well liked, friendly yet aloof. Crude behavior bothers them like it does the other air signs but they can be unconventional when it comes to social behavior. The romantic interest must be a friend and bring plenty of intellectual stimulation.

Venus in Pisces is deeply compassionate, also able to understand the feelings of others. Sensitive, in need of clear messages of love and affections or they feel disappointed. Hesitant in expressing their feelings for fear of being hurt or rejected. Can be emotionally dependent or have others dependent on them. 

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