Wednesday, August 3, 2016

6. The Moon & Your Inner Self

The Moon shows a person’s emotional response to life’s situation. It also shows what childhood experiences color the emotions and reactions. It represents the home life, heritage, maternal figures as well as how the person interacts with the public at large and women in general. This luminary rules the sign Cancer.

Moon in Aries: Temperamental, impulsive, and independent, with a “my way or the highway” mentality. Tend to dominate those they love emotionally. Their tempers can flare up suddenly and once the outburst is released, the anger is soon forgotten.

Moon in Taurus: The Moon here is very strong because Taurus is the sign of exaltation. Emotions are steady, however, desires financial or material gain in order to feel secure. They are fond of good food, drink and usually very good at growing things.

Moon in Gemini: The nervous energy may bring practical ability, and for many, cause them to rationalize their emotions to the point that they don’t know what they really feel. They can spread their feelings so thin that others may call them superficial.

Moon in Cancer: Indicates a strong tie to home, family, mother, heritage and children. Extremely sensitive to the moods and feelings of others around them, and sometimes they tend to take things too personally, which may cause them to sulk and brood.

Moon in Leo: Tendency to dramatize their feelings out of an unconscious need to be admired, appreciated and loved. Just like the other fire signs (Aries, Sagittarius), Leo tends to emotionally dominate those within their home. Inclined to be stubborn.

Moon in Virgo: Great concern for health, diet as well as hygiene and housekeeping. Meticulous when it comes to detail, they make good cooks, who create meals that are not only tasty but healthy as well. Enjoys working quietly behind the scenes.

Moon in Libra: Courteous, gracious, dislikes vulgarity and can be easily upset by inharmonious domestic situations. Strongly sensitive to the attitudes and vibes of others around them, seeks approval of others to maintain balance and peace.

Moon in Scorpio: While the Moon in Taurus is exalted, in Scorpio it’s in its fall. Very possessive nature and when extreme, can hold grudges as well as plot revenge. Can be quite stubborn and tends to brood and revels in subtly influencing family members.

Moon in Sagittarius: Aspires to high but not very realistic goals. Fond of travel to foreign lands and will often take up residence far from the birthplace. Strong attachment to the religious and philosophic views of their parents. Beware of arrogant nature.

Moon in Capricorn: Cautious, reserved, somewhat cold and austere nature. Can take life almost too seriously and identifies mainly with material with few spiritual values. Like its opposite sign Cancer, can take things too personally and is insecure about self worth.

Moon in Aquarius: Capable of sympathizing with the needs of humanity as a whole. Tends to be friendly but in an impersonal way. Demands freedom within the domestic sphere, where their relationships can be unusual. Can be fearful of emotional ties.

Moon in Pisces: A vivid imagination, to the point of creating their own world to protect themselves due to a supersensitive emotional nature. Feelings can be hurt easily, can also be excessively shy, yet there is an affinity for poetic artistic or musical pursuits.

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