Wednesday, August 3, 2016

5. Astrological Houses in a Nutshell

The astrological chart wheel is broken down into twelve equal 30° houses and each represent specific areas. In the traditional method, the first six are the personal houses and the last six, the social. Just a note, if you’re looking at your chart and you have no planets in say your second house, it does not mean you don’t value anything, or that you won’t be able to make money. However if you have a group of planets (known as a stellium) in one house, this is something that would catch an astrologer’s attention. Here are the keywords, philosophical as well as traditional meanings to each of the 12 houses.

1st House – Ascendant (also known as the Rising Sign)
Philosophical interpretation:  Awareness of self; the particular destiny
Keywords:  Person outlook
Traditional interpretation: Personality, body form, outlook

2nd House
Philosophical interpretation: Life substance to be used by self, the social substance, unable to work out destiny, wealth
Keywords:  How you make money
Traditional interpretation: Health, wealth, possessions, financial gain or loss

3rd House
Philosophical interpretation: The environment, relationship of personal self to physical, substance
Keywords: Communication, family
Traditional interpretation: Brethren, neighbors, short journeys, letters, lower mind

4th House -- Nadir
Philosophical interpretation: The soul, base of operations, father, concretization of self
Keywords: Home, parents, land
Traditional interpretation: Home, parents, father, end of life, land and real estate

5th House
Philosophical interpretation: Exteriorization of self, creative and procreative activity, recreations
Keywords: Recreation, procreation, creation
Traditional interpretation: Children, artistic creations, speculations, recreations

6th House
Philosophical interpretation: Conflicts, resulting from H5, enmity of other personal selves, including the cells of one’s own body
Keywords: Employment, illness
Traditional interpretation: Sickness, service, private enemies

7th House -- Descendant
Philosophical interpretation: The sense of human relationship on a basis of giving & taking. Interchange of vital energies and ideas
Keywords: One to one relationships
Traditional interpretation: Marriage & Partnerships

8th House
Philosophical interpretation: Destruction of personal limitations as a result of human interchange. Enlargement of viewpoint, regeneration
Keywords: Rebirth, sometimes death, joint finances
Traditional interpretation: Death & legacies

9th House
Philosophical interpretation: The abstract mind, mental adjustment to racial ideas and collective needs
Keywords: Religion & Education
Traditional interpretation: Religion, philosophy, science, writing, distant travels

10th House -- Midheaven
Philosophical interpretation: base of operation in human society, business, mother in whom racial consciousness and the rational soul are concretized
Keywords: Profession, self discipline, sacrifice
Traditional interpretation: Honor, fame, public position, mother

11th House
Philosophical interpretation: Circle of acquaintances and the friends, new ideals of human and social relationships, dreams and efforts
Keywords: Friends, dreams
Traditional interpretation: friends, wishes, hopes, flatterers

12th House
Philosophical interpretation: Conflict with the inertial forces of society, forces which brought the self into incarnation, overcoming of karma
Keywords: Self undoing

Traditional interpretation: Hidden enemies, fate, confinement

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