Wednesday, August 3, 2016

4. Planetary Aspects & Keywords

The sky chart is a circle – 360 degrees, and each of the twelve signs is divided into 30 degrees. Aspects are the angles between planets and depending on which planets (as well as their energies) involved, some aspects can last a few hours, a day, several weeks or years. Many effects of the planetary alignments could be barely noticeable and others can be apparent as a Mack truck. Some are considered to be beneficial (or easy), and some detrimental (or difficult). In layperson’s terms, the aspects are referred to as soft and hard aspects. Aspects are used in natal astrology when constructing charts and when looking at transits which are when current planets aspect the natal planets.

The major aspects are the conjunction, sextile, square, opposition and trine. There are minor aspects such as semi-sextile, quintile, decile and biquintile, etc., but are used to shore up the major aspects and help to balance out the energy.

The conjunction can be considered a variable influence depending on the planets involved in the conjunction. The acceptable “orb” (or variance) between these two conjuncting planets can be anywhere between 0° to 3°. Because of the important influence of the Sun and Moon in an individual’s chart, the orb between these luminaries and another planet can range from 0° to 6° on either side of the placement. Say if a planet is at 29° Libra, and another is nearby at 2° Scorpio (which is another sign), this is just as much a conjunction as say, a planet at 26° Libra. 

The sextile is one of the easy aspects with two planets being 60° apart. The planets involved are usually situated in elementally compatible signs and represents talents, affinities or opportunities which can be well utilized.

The square is a 90° angle and can be a tension aspect when you consider which planets are involved. One thing about the square, it can be a ‘lesson learned’ aspect where you grow from the results whether positive or negative.

The trine, one of the most harmonious aspects, is when two planets form an angle of 120° and usually form within the same element, which are earth, air, fire and water. It also shows the creative talents and opportunities available when the person is motivated to succeed.

A minor aspect which many astrologers use to show complexity is the inconjunct (also known as quincunx), at 150° apart. It can also show stress and tension so on occasion it is used to back up the square. It can also show creative genius.

The opposition, 180° shows planets exactly opposite and the polarity creates variable degrees of tension. Like the conjunction, the orb of 3° between planets or 6° between luminaries and planets is the standard.

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