Friday, December 2, 2016


I answered a reader’s question regarding medical astrology recently, and will list the illnesses associated with each sign. Remember, just because certain ailments are ruled by your sign, does not mean you will develop this illness. Planets in certain signs, the Ascendant, Sixth and Twelfth Houses, as well as aspects will point to certain areas of concern. Here is the traditional list.

AILMENTS: High blood pressure, burns, concussion, contagious diseases in general, encephalitis, fevers, bone fractures, gastritis, migraines, hernias, hemorrhoids, hives, jaundice, blemishes, rheumatic fever, scarlet fever, smallpox.

AILMENTS: Diabetes, goiters, laryngitis, lymphatic ailments, smallpox, throat diseases, tonsilitis, genital disorders, thyroid, ears.

AILMENTS: Amnesia, bowel troubles, bronchitis, dry coughs, nervous diseases, fractures, ailments of the hands, hay fever, headaches, hoarseness, hypersensitivity, lung troubles, pneumonia, body tremors.

AILMENTS: Abscesses, allergies, asthma, colic, digestive troubles, dropsy, dyspepsia, edema, epilepsy, excess fluidity, insomnia, vertigo, palsy, lymphatic disorders

AILMENTS: Cataracts, heat exhaustion, structural eye afflictions and disorders, fainting spells, fever, feverish ailments, weakness and irregularities of the heart action, hot flashes, curvature of the spine, spinal ailments in the dorsal region.

AILMENTS: Bowel troubles, bronchitis, dry coughs, nervous diseases, forgetfulness, hay fever, headaches, hoarseness, hypersensitivity, insomnia, intestinal afflictions, pulmonary troubles, speech impediments, stuttering, bodily tremors, vocal disorders

AILMENTS: Diabetes, generative diseases, glandular swellings in the neck, kidney diseases, lymphatic ailments, renal disorders, tonsillitis, lumbago

AILMENTS: Amnesia, generative diseases, genital disorders, VD, injuries to the groin, hemorrhoids, enlargement of the prostate gland, tapeworms, toxemia, viruses.

AILMENTS: Abscesses, blood disorders, high and low blood pressure, boils, congestion in the body, diabetes, deformities and ailments of the feet, hip diseases, obesity, pleurisy

AILMENTS: Hardening of the arteries, arthritis, atrophy, blood clots, bone diseases and broken bones, bruises, skin cancer, impeded circulation, dental trouble, gall stones, hives, hyperacidity, jaundice, kidney stones, Lupus, T.B., renal stones, polio, palsy, spinal ailments

AILMENTS: convulsions, cramps (intestinal), spasmodic and nervous diseases, emphysema, fits, bone fractures, hallucinations, psychic disturbances, ailments of the lower legs, lesions, shocks, ruptures

AILMENTS: comas, anemia, alcoholism, addiction, absentmindedness, foot ailments, glandular imbalances and swellings, sleepwalking, poisoning, diseases from bites, stings or drugs
Questions from Readers 3

Q – If I don’t have any idea of what time I was born, what sort of chart can be done?
A – Natal charts — natal = birth — are for people who know their time of birth. For those who don’t know, a solar chart is constructed. A solar chart is based on the “day” and the degree of the Sun listed at Noon in the ephemeris. The 12 houses are given the same degree for each sign and the Sun will always be in the First House. This is also called Equal Houses. Some astrologers use the noon or midnight hour to construct a chart for an unknown time. Without the exact time, solar charts will show many of the client’s traits, but inconsistencies will also appear, making it quite difficult to be accurate.

Q – I always read my horoscope in the newspaper. When was the first horoscope column printed in the papers?
A – Although there were many columns featured in almanacs and newspapers in England as well as America in the 1800s, the first astrological profile interpretation was printed in the London Sunday Express after the birth of Princess Margaret in 1930.

Q – Has any astrologers ever tried to use statistics and charts to compare certain vocational similarities, like what sign has the most athletes, actors or writers?
A – The Gauquelins — Françoise and Michel — astrologers from France, published statistical reports linking planetary aspects to certain professions.

Q – Who invented the horoscope?
A – There is no specific person who ‘invented’ the horoscope. There were different forms of astrology practiced in the ancient world. The Persians conquered Egypt in 525 BC, and mundane astrology was merged with decanic astrology. Then in Egypt under Greek rule, the two systems were combined to form horoscopic astrology. The most extensive development of horoscopic astrology came from the Egyptian scholar from Alexandria, Ptolemy, who was a renowned astronomer and astrologer. For centuries his written works were considered complex and accurate, until astronomers with instruments like Copernicus and Galileo proved his theories to be elaborate but wrong.

Questions from Readers 2

Q: I had a chart calculated recently and although most of the symbols I recognized there was one I didn’t. It looked like this:. Does that stand for a planet or asteroid?
A: No, that is the symbol for a very popular Arabic Part called “Part of Fortune.” Many astrologers calculate the formula and place the value in a person’s Natal Chart. If you go back to Review Questions where I explained midpoints, how Arabic Parts were used in the ancient world and how they are used in modern times.

Q: You mentioned to keep three things in mind: Sun in sign/house, Moon in sign/house and Rising Sign when researching my natal chart. When I read the horoscopes in the newspaper or online, should I read the sign my Ascendant is in as well?
A: Yes. Not only should you read your Sun & Rising signs, but if you know your overall sign (remember the Triplicities and Quadruplicities), you should read the three capsules to get a better idea of how your day will be. Remember there may be contradictions and be sure to pay attention to anything repeated, that might be a source of concern.

Q: Two questions: What is a VOC Moon? I was told not to start anything new on VOC days. Is there a website where I can check by month?
A: VOC Moon stands for Void of Course Moon. It occurs on the days when the Moon exits one sign, enters another and plans don’t go as we anticipated. It can happen every two days — more or less. The traditional astrologers would give an example for VOC, if you have surgery done on a Void of Course day, it will be more than likely that you will need even more surgery after this. I would rather re-schedule any procedures to a day where the Moon is not going into another sign, but let’s be real, if you need emergency surgery, don’t put it off. However, if it’s a minor procedure, see if you can reschedule it to a day when the Moon is not about to change course. My favorite layman’s site for the V/C Moon is Café Astrology. Here’s the link:


Every sign rules certain jobs, however, just because your Sun sign is Aries does not mean you should become a surgeon or a pharmacist. Other planets (especially the ruling planet) in this sign would give you an affinity for any of the careers assigned to this sign. Here is the traditional list of careers and businesses for each sign.

VOCATIONS: Soldiers, surgeons, butchers, iron & steel workers, dentists, barbers, carpenters, firemen, police, hardware makers & dealers, chemists, pharmacists, bill collectors.
BUSINESSES: Bakeries, barbershops, chemical labs, cutlery shops, pharmacies, exercise salons, gun shops, hardware stores, sex shops, tattoo parlors, foundries.

VOCATIONS: Musicians, singers, actors, beauticians, dress manufacturers, sculpturers, milliners, hosts, entertainers, interior decorators, throat specialists, perfume makers, art museum curators, house painters, engravers, fashion designers, dancers, jewelry designers & vendors, motion picture producers.
BUSINESSES: Theatrical agencies, amusement parks, art stores, banks, beauty shops, dance studios, erotic book stores, florists, furniture stores, garden stores, gourmet shops, hobby stores.

VOCATIONS: Clerks, bookkeepers, writers, architects, orators, typists, handwriting experts, reporters, messengers, merchandisers, nerve specialists, radio & tv announcers, inventors, ad writers, travel agents, biographers, draftsmen, inspectors, computer programmers and operators, craftsperson, critics, lawyers, masseurs, mechanics, playwrights, psychiatrists.
BUSINESSES:  Agencies, bookstores, diners, retail grocers, magazine stands, publishing houses, stationers, transportation facilities.

VOCATIONS: Traveling salespeople, fishermen, nurses, seamstress, obstetricians, caterers, midwives, security officers, brewery workers, ocean navigators, real estate agents
BUSINESSES: Bakeries, breweries, cabarets, cafes, saloons, taverns, travel agencies, day care centers, grocers, hotels, fish markets

VOCATIONS: Bankers, foremen, dept. heads, investment bankers, jewelers, gold workers, heart specialists, impresarios, theater owners, actors, administrators, athletes, brokers, educators, bio-chemists, healers, army officers, radiologists, school principals, publicity directors, film directors.
BUSINESSES: Brokerages, casinos, places of entertainment, jewelry stores, race tracks, resorts, theaters, newspapers.

VOCATIONS: Accountants, writers, teachers, lecturers, actuary, interpreters, dieticians, reporters, buyers, merchandisers, editors, publishers, printers, radio and tv announcers, craftspeople, scientists, psychiatrists, lawyers, librarians, linguists, animal trainers.
BUSINESSES: bookstores, clothing stores, diet centers, doctor’s offices, retail grocers, publishing houses, travel agencies, stationers

VOCATIONS: Artists, singers, cosmeticians, florists, dressmakers, milliners, hosts, interior decorators, social resort coordinators, perfume dealers, society editors, actors, photographers, illustrators.
BUSINESSES: Theatrical agencies, women’s apparel stores, art stores, beauty shops, bridal shops, candy stores, furriers, erotic book stores, hobby shops, liquor stores, lingerie and gift shops

VOCATIONS: Musicians, psychoanalysts, religious transformers, revolutionaries, medicine especially surgery, scientific research, detectives, the arts, adventurous exploration, transportation, military, law.
BUSINESSES: brothels, funeral homes, insurance companies, junkyards, ports, marinas, courts.

VOCATIONS: corporate lawyers, clergymen, publishers, advertising agents, judges, wool merchants, wholesale grocers, appraisers, financiers, jockeys, horse trainers, sporting goods manufacturers, senators, legislators, philanthropists, bankers, deacons, furriers, furniture makers and dealers, investors
BUSINESSES: Banks, brokerages, casinos, loan companies, pet stores, publishing houses, race tracks, shoe stores, uniform shops, universities, literary agencies

VOCATIONS: Real estate dealers, gardeners, tanners, leather goods, manufacturers, watch and clock makers, traders, lawyers, bankers, priests, nuns, plumbers, undertakers, tombstone makers
BUSINESSES: Agricultural stores, ceramic shops, farms, lumber/junk yards, mines, mortuaries, produce markets, ranches, real estate agencies

VOCATIONS: scientists, inventors, astrologers, chiropractors, clairvoyants, aviators, auto racers, airplane/auto mechanics, electricians, radio announcers, research/social workers, psychotherapists
BUSINESSES: Bicycle shops, cinemas, private clubs, factories, repair garages, gun dealers, record shops, travel agencies, gas stations

VOCATIONS: poets, mind readers, musicians, occult writers, pharmacists, chemists, naval officers, oil workers, anesthetists, distillers, lifeguards, detectives, private investigators

BUSINESSES: chemical labs, drug stores, dry cleaners, fish markets, glassware factories, liquor stores, photo supply stores, laundromats.

Through the ruling planets, each sign rules certain plants and trees. Here is the traditional list for each sign. Some planets rule more than one sign so there may be duplicate listings of plants.

HERBS & PLANTS: Aloe, anemone, arnica, barberry, basil, broom, cactus, capers, catnip, pepper, coriander, marsh crowfoot, gentian, geranium, honeysuckle, hops, leadwort, madder, mustard, nettles, Peruvian bark, thistles, wakerobin, witch hazel, cinnamon, ginger, gladioli. TREES: Box trees, hawthorn, pine, prickly trees, cactus, hemlock, chestnut, broom.

HERBS & PLANTS: Alder, artichoke, beans, coriander, coltsfoot, cowslip, fennel, chickweed, foxglove, goldenrod, ground ivy, strawberry, wild tansy, violet, wheat, yarrow, bearberry, mints, roses, vervain, Irish moss, orchids, black snakeroot, lilies in general, daffodils, thyme, saffron, jasmine. TREES: Pear, peach, birch, elder, cherry, chestnut, satinwood.

HERBS & PLANTS: Fern, hazel, horehound, lavender, licorice, maidenhair, sweet marjoram, parsley, valerian, endive, dill, fennel, elfwort, starwort, clover, bay and caraway seeds, sorrel.
TREES: Filbert, mulberry, myrtle, juniper, nut trees, tropical trees, sandalwood, bayberry.

HERBS & PLANTS: Adder’s tongue, chickweed, iris, watercress, lettuce, water lily, moonwort, pearlwort, pumpkin, endive, garlic, chamomile, white roses, water violet, duckweed, slippery elm, night blooming plants, poppies, seaweed, peppermint, wintergreen, bay leaf, ginseng, balm, tamarind. TREES: Any sap trees, willows, banana, mango, breadfruit.

HERBS & PLANTS: Almond, angelica, chamomile, eye-bright, juniper, meadow rue, mistletoe, rosemary, saffron, sage, thyme, celery seed, cinnamon, cloves, peony, poppies, sunflowers, heart trefoil, marigolds, passion flowers. TREES: Ash, hay trees, citrus trees, olive, walnut, palm and orange.

HERBS & PLANTS: Fern, hazel, horehound, lavender, licorice, maidenhair, sweet marjoram, parsley, hops, guava, valerian, chamomile, endive, dill, fennel, mandrake, mace, chicory, sage, asters, red raspberry, starwort, trefoil, morning glory, mint, petunias, sarsaparilla. TREES: Filbert, mulberry, myrtle, fig, apples.

HERBS & PLANTS: Alder, artichoke, beans, bramble, burdock, coltsfoot, cowslip, goldenrod, ground ivy, dandelion, pennyroyal, ragwort, sage, sorrel, strawberry, wild tansy, violet, wheat, yarrow, catnip, bearberry, snake root, spearmint, vervain, orchids, lilies in general, daffodils, marjoram, kelp, juniper berry, jasmine. TREES: Birch, chestnut, peach, elder, pear, cherry, quince, apple, apricot.

HERBS & PLANTS: all poisonous plants in general, capers, chickweed, cloves, coriander, garlic, ginger, pepper, vinegar, mustard, parsley, sage, seasalts, chrysanthemums, yucca, rosemary. TREES: Mango, melon, papaya, peach, cherry, cacti, hemlock, pine, dogwood, wormwood, broom, box cypress.

HERBS & PLANTS: Thorn apple, asparagus, balm, balsam, betony, bloodwort, chervil, cinquefoil, dandelion, hyssop, limewort, liverwort myrrh, daisies, ginseng, Iceland moss, jasmine, spearmint, saffron, endive, nutmeg, sage, sassafras, aloe, aniseed, narcissus.
TREES: Oak, maple, linden, lime, fig, chestnut, birch, apricot, ash, cedar.

HERBS & PLANTS: Barley, comfrey, flaxseed, hemlock, hemp, henbane, holly, ivy, knot grass, moss, plantain, shepherd’s purse, belladonna, crosswort, black hellebore, English ivy, poison ivy, mandrake, ground moss, nightshade, poison oak, senna, spinach, vervain, wintergreen, Sarsparilla, garlic, hops, rosemary, dill. TREES: Beech, popular, aspen, black thorn, pine, yew, citrus, dates, hemlock, cypress.

HERBS & PLANTS: balm, chickweed, coriander, dill, gentian root, hyssop, mint, sassafras, sage, chamomile, sorrel, basil, wintergreen, garlic, nettles, parsley, rosemary, rye, valerian.
TREES: beech, cypress, willow, pine, yew, apples, banana, quince, plum, pear.

HERBS & PLANTS: opium, poppy plants, coffee, tobacco, mosses, mushrooms and fungi, aniseed, aloe, balm, basil, caraway, coriander, mint, nutmeg, plantain, sage, sorrel, kelp, wintergreen, lilac, violet, water lilies. TREES: citrus, cherry, ash, birch, chestnut, maple, mulberry, oak, olive, mango, peach, cedar.

12. SATURN – The Reap What You Sow  Planet Part 2

Saturn in the natal chart is what I call the “reap what you sow” planet. In the houses, Saturn affects each as follows:

SATURN IN 1ST HOUSE or ASCENDANT Is quite self-centered, lives a calculated life and if afflicted can be introverted.

SATURN IN 2ND HOUSE Earns financial security through great effort can be preoccupied over getting and keeping money; if afflicted, denies self and may suffer financial losses.

SATURN IN 3RD HOUSE Chooses communications in a calculated way, if afflicted may not get along with siblings, neighbors and may have education troubles.

SATURN IN 4TH HOUSE or NADIR Has domestic frustration, encountered deprivation and discomfort in home life, may have a strict upbringing or even orphaned.

SATURN IN 5TH HOUSE Romantic unhappiness, does not find joy in children or recreation. Can be infertile, and may have some separation from offspring if afflicted.

SATURN IN 6TH HOUSE Cold, calculated demeanor toward workers and coworkers. Strong sense of organization, if adversely aspected, quite bored with daily routine.

SATURN IN 7TH HOUSE or DESCENDANT Difficulties in partnerships or frustrating, disappointing marriage. Partnerships can be a source of deprivation.

SATURN IN 8TH HOUSE Joint finances, inheritance or legacy lacking, if afflicted, frustrating delays or losses of any legacies.

SATURN IN 9TH HOUSE Many problems during traveling in foreign countries and dealing with foreigners. Strong religious convictions however if afflicted can have fanatical lean on religions.

SATURN IN 10TH HOUSE or MIDHEAVEN Ambitious, power driven regarding professional standing. If afflicted, ruthless and may feel isolated in social/profession areas.

SATURN IN 11TH HOUSE Cold and calculated relationships with friends and social associations, if afflicted, may have few or no friends because of ‘me first’ attitude.

SATURN IN 12TH HOUSE Courage overrides denial and self-sacrifice. If afflicted may have persecution complex and suffer crises of ideology.

I hope you have visited the web sites I listed in earlier articles and know where Saturn is in your natal or solar chart.

SATURN IN ARIES – initiative and discipline leads to mental creativity, enabling them to come up with new concepts in their fields. If afflicted, they may ignore the rights of others and have difficulty communicating and cooperating.

SATURN IN TAURUS – steadfast and patient, reliable and persistent, willing to work hard for financial and emotional security. They can be frugal and buy things of useful, lasting value. If afflicted, they can be obstinate and miserly.

SATURN IN GEMINI – highly logical and systematic thinkers, able to reason and solve problems swiftly. Very honest and forthright in communication, considered organized and dependable. If afflicted can be critical, suspicious, even excessively shy.

SATURN IN CANCER – takes family environment seriously. May hide feelings and emotions from those close to them as well as the general public; hard to express true warmth. If afflicted they can be unusually attached to material things.

SATURN IN LEO – a compulsive desire to control their environment, demanding attention and respect. If afflicted, could develop dictatorial tendencies or be dogmatic in mannerisms; strict disciplinarian with their children.

SATURN IN VIRGO – sticklers for precision, they need to relax more and develop a sense of humor. If afflicted, can alienate others by demanding perfection and being inflexible with regard to rules and regulations.

SATURN IN LIBRA – in the sign that rules relationships, these people are cooperative, organized, and responsible planners. If afflicted, they can be unforgiving, and people who promise more than they can deliver.

SATURN IN SCORPIO – can be burdened with intensely emotional responsibilities, which they will need to learn to deal with calmly and effectively when they arise. If afflicted, they can be hard taskmasters with no patience for laziness or slacking off.

SATURN IN SAGITTARIUS – very thorough, with strict moral codes and great depth of concentration. They absorb whatever they learn and desire to be regarded as an expert in their field of choice. If afflicted, can be self-righteous and overly concerned about their reputations.

SATURN IN CAPRICORN – strong need to make significant contributions in their endeavors, true believers of reaping what one sows. Strong sense of honor, with an air of dignity and seriousness. If afflicted, they might use money or literal interpretations of the law to control others.

SATURN IN AQUARIUS – well organized concentration, ambitious with the ability to make scientific inventions or structured computer or mathematical applications. Quite social but in an impersonal way. If afflicted, can be snobbish, cold and emotionally domineering in their relationships.

SATURN IN PISCES – memories of the past can generate anxieties as well as an overactive imagination. They do have the ability to strive for those less fortunate and can meditate to reach a deep spiritual plane. If afflicted, they can be neurotic, even psychotic in nature, even to the point of institutionalization. Will need critical self-analysis to balance strengths and weaknesses and to let go of the past.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

10. Jupiter, the Planet of Expansion

In the natal chart Jupiter reveals how individuals grow within their culture, their religious beliefs and traditions. It also shows how people come together as a society and cooperate with each other. It also reveals the compassionate nature toward those less fortunate. Jupiter also rules universities, the legal profession, charitable organizations, as well as churches (especially of organized religions) of all sizes. Here is how it affects the signs as well as the afflicted results.

Jupiter in Aries: courageous, true believers in embarking on crusades for the betterment of the masses. Unfortunately if the planet is afflicted, they promise more than they deliver, squander money and are extremely careless.

Jupiter in Taurus: can consider material resources as forms of energy that flow, grow and sustains life. Those with this placement must learn generosity as well as wisdom when it comes to spending. Fond of the finer things in life and luxury, can overindulge if afflicted.

Jupiter in Gemini: intellectually advanced and curious, restless, but needs to immerse fully into study instead of dabbling in many areas. There is ability to express self through writing and lecturing, however, if placement is afflicted, the superficial knowledge can make them intellectual snobs.

Jupiter in Cancer: the early childhood instilled morals, generosity and religious principles which become part of the basic expression when adulthood is reached. They strive for a comfortable home environment. If afflicted there can be self indulgent tendencies toward material comforts.

Jupiter in Leo: energetic, benevolent, optimistic, expect admiration in return. Fond of social gatherings, parades and art firms depicting history or religion. If afflicted, can become compulsive in gambling or stock trading.

Jupiter in Virgo: too much precision hinders this planet’s expansiveness. Must learn cooperation and allow others to assist in large projects. Honest, loves order unless afflicted, then sloppy and lazy. Can drift from one unsatisfactory job to another.

Jupiter in Libra: natives tend to search for partners with similar spiritual values and philosophic thought, and influences religious, educational and social ideas of friends and other close associates. If afflicted, they tend to have double standards and can be jealous and vindictive with intimate ties.

Jupiter in Scorpio: interests in finance, investments, taxes, real estate and insurance. Can be intense in beliefs, standards and principles. Also an affinity in matters of the occult and reincarnation. If afflicted, may use mystical forces and psychic phenomena for personal gains.

Jupiter in Sagittarius: likely to embrace some social system of thought to govern one’s way of life. Fond of foreign lands and culture, travel and adventure, education, history, philosophy and religion. Can be narrow-minded if afflicted and quite chauvinistic.

Jupiter in Capricorn: over-concerned with ethics, business and morals, law, political, and economic status. Power-driven, which may interfere with close relationships and they mask their frustration and loneliness with an air of cold austerity. If afflicted, can be penny pinching and dollar destructive.

Jupiter in Aquarius: extremely tolerant of the lifestyles of others, desires to connect in some measure with people of all walks and religions. Works to uplift and improve social and moral organizations; broad-minded and pioneering. If afflicted, can scatter energies and promise more than they can deliver.

Jupiter in Pisces: compassionate, intuitive, tend to champion those less fortunate. Must take caution as they may be taken advantage of. If the slower moving planets Uranus, Neptune or Pluto aspect Jupiter there can be some psychic affinity. If afflicted, must stay clear of cults, gurus and astral illusions.

If you want to purchase astrological textbooks, you should memorize the planets in signs and houses from your natal charts. Read the interpretation and see how accurate the book you intend to buy is with regard to your chart makeup. If the book is accurate when it comes to you, it will probably serve you well when you start researching the charts of your friends and family members. In a future article, I will recommend textbooks that will get you started on the right track. 

Questions from Readers 1

I am happy to answer questions from readers who are serious in learning about astrology and reading their own charts.

Q: I was born on September 23rd. I notice some newspaper columns have me under Virgo and some Libra. Which is correct?
A: You were born on the cusp between Virgo and Libra. The only way to be certain of which sign you were born under is to get a natal chart constructed. Even looking up the date in an ephemeris (a book that shows the daily planetary positions as well as the signs) would give you an idea of what sign the Sun was in on your day, but a chart using your time of birth would be more accurate.

Q: Can you look at a chart and tell what sort of illness a person can get?
A: There is Medical Astrology, and yes with certain planets in houses and in aspect, an experienced astrologer can see sensitive areas in a person’s chart that could be cause for concern, physically as well as mentally.

Q: What exactly are the Nodes? Why are they called Dragon’s Head and Tail?
A: North Node, or Dragon’s Head (Caput Draconis) and South Node or Dragon’s Tail (Cauda Draconis) are sensitive points on the ecliptic. Even though all planets except the Sun and Earth have Nodes, only the Moon’s Nodes are significant as far as human destiny is concerned. North Node stands for karmic credit – your karmic objectives in this lifetime. It reveals soul growth and evolution. The house placement shows the area of life in which you need to develop, or become aware of.  The South Node represents karmic debt or things left over from your past life shows what urges drive our lives as well as connections with regard to relationships. In comparison charts, relationships that seem fated usually have a South Node connection. Used also in transits as the Nodes signify major releases of certain energies shown by whichever planet aspecting or houses the Natal nodes reside.

Q: When I list my time of birth, should it be exactly what it says on my birth certificate or should I convert it to standard time?
A: You should always use what is listed on your birth certificate. Many astrologers will ask you to double check the AM/PM part; most certificates list the time as it reads on the clock with no conversion. The astrologer will change it or the software used will automatically convert it if it is daylight savings or war time, or in some cases, both.

Q: What do you call a chart that uses two people’s birth info?
A: Comparison, Compatibility or Relationship Chart, which are used when a couple first encounters each other. A Composite Chart is constructed of two natal planetary placements divided to make one chart. Many astrologers use the Composite to see how the world sees this relationship or where the tension lies in the relationship. This can also be for other pairings -- mother and child, brother and sister, etc.

Q: Can you recommend a beginner’s astrological textbook that is easy to understand?
A: Yes, two come to mind. My interest in astrology started with a book by Alan Oken called “Alan Oken’s Complete Astrology: The Classic Guide to Modern Astrology.” Another great beginner’s book is “Chart Interpretation Handbook: Guidelines for Understanding the Essentials of the Birth Chart” by Stephen Arroyo. Check and see if these books are available online through

Q: Professional astrological software is a little more expensive than I can afford. What astrology freeware or shareware do you recommend?
A: I can think of 3 sites. I started with Astrology for Windows which is software developed by John Halloran, which led to getting the deluxe software later Halloran. AstroWin is another and finally, Astrolog.

9. Mars & Your Action, Reaction & Attraction

I hope you have visited one of the many free horoscope sites and entered your birth data in order to have a copy of your natal chart. If you haven’t, two easy-to-use sites are and, they will give you some helpful descriptions of planets in signs and houses at the time you were born. If you want a natal or solar wheel to print out, you can visit, or

Mars in the natal chart reveals action, attraction and reaction. Locate what sign Mars occupied using your natal or solar chart, then read these gender specific capsules.

Women: attracted to self-confident, take charge type of partners.
Men: react in an aggressive, enthusiastic, passionate manner.

Women: attracted to financially secure, established partners.
Men: fond of luxury and earthly pleasures, are truly sensual individuals.

Women: attracted to intelligent stimulation and mates eager to change for the better.
Men: quite cerebral even in relationships; can be flirtatious as well as fickle.

Women: attracted to protective men who provide stable homes for them.
Men: moody, sensitive, protective; need partners who mother them.

Women: attracted to outgoing partners, self confident and stylish.
Men: definitely lion-like; charming, warm-hearted, need to be admired.

Women: attracted to practical, conventional and intelligent partners.
Men: appear cold, calculating, analytical; need encouragement from mates.

Women: attracted to calm, cool, well-groomed, romantic partners.
Men: turn-offs include crude, coarse or improper behavior.

Women: attracted to passionate, spontaneous professional partners.
Men: intensely passionate; once committed to their partners are usually loyal.

Women: attracted to outgoing, adventurous, animal-loving partners.
Men: freedom-loving; can be affectionate, tender and quite self-indulgent.

Women: attracted to partners with practical and realistic goals; high achievers.
Men: extremely sensitive, self-critical; needs tenderness and centering from mates.

Women: attracted to unconventional lovers with original ideas and humanitarian goals.
Men: loves the unusual, experimental types; must maintain their freedom at all costs.

Women: attracted to romantic yet strong characters, gentle and kind.

Men: romantic, affectionate, tender, mysterious; seek same in partners.

8. Venus & How We Express Love

The planet Venus stands for the affections and how we express them. These are examples of Venus in the signs, so you need to get a natal chart constructed to know which sign Venus was in when you were born. There are several sites that offer free horoscope charts, and the one I find handy for beginners (it’s in English) is Register, look for the ‘free personalized horoscope in the left margin, enter your data, make note of what planets are in what signs and houses, then return to read how you express your feelings of love. 
Venus in Aries is usually very energetic and competitive when seeking the affections of the objects of their interests. Quite passionate in love and enthusiastic in the chase, they can be impulsive and unstable. They can also be self-centered and demanding.

Venus in Taurus is stable, constant and steadfast. They love good food, luxurious surroundings and an opulent lifestyle. They value artistic items and tend to purchase items of long lasting quality. They are close with nature and enjoy gardening. Can be possessive.

Venus in Gemini loves change, variety and spontaneity in their social lives, and capable of devoting themselves. They dislike people with coarse and rude attitudes, but can match them if provoked. They enjoy conversation with people whose minds are as agile as theirs.

Venus in Cancer is super sensitive when it comes to their romantic feelings. They hide their vulnerable feelings behind a dignified façade. They are moody (like the Moon ruler) and unpredictable. They mainly marry for domestic stability, a demonstrative partner makes them feel cherished.

Venus in Leo loves life, social gatherings, anywhere they can shine. They expect to be the life of any party. They are born romantics and use their natural acting abilities to court. Can be jealous, but enjoys showing off their object of desire. Affectionate, outgoing and usually quite loyal.

Venus in Virgo tends to be overly analytical; too critical of those they love which can alienate them. They have high standards for their ideal mates and sometimes their reluctance to open up and express themselves stands in the way of developing relationships.

Venus in Libra has no difficulty understanding the needs and feelings of their partners and seeks friends and lovers to share close personal bonds. They are considerate, social, romantic, affectionate and to them sex is not enough to base a relationship on.

Venus in Scorpio has intense emotions, sexual desires are strong, romantic drives are passionate as well as secretive. They have an all-or-nothing attitude toward love and romance, and if wronged, become very bitter, cold and calculating. Once betrayed, the trust aspect can never be repaired.

Venus in Sagittarius tends to be honest, open, sociable, outgoing, vivacious with a tendency to try and convert their lovers to their beliefs and principles. They usually marry in the traditional sense but are unafraid to walk on the wild side of romance. Loves travel, sports and outdoor fun.

Venus in Capricorn is like the other Earth signs, seek emotional security through status and wealth. Likes to be wooed and is usually reserved in their behavior, viewing public displays of affection with distain. Capable of extreme sensuality behind closed doors. They are loyal yet dignified.

Venus in Aquarius is popular, well liked, friendly yet aloof. Crude behavior bothers them like it does the other air signs but they can be unconventional when it comes to social behavior. The romantic interest must be a friend and bring plenty of intellectual stimulation.

Venus in Pisces is deeply compassionate, also able to understand the feelings of others. Sensitive, in need of clear messages of love and affections or they feel disappointed. Hesitant in expressing their feelings for fear of being hurt or rejected. Can be emotionally dependent or have others dependent on them. 

7. Mercury & Your Thinking Process

Mercury in your natal chart represents how you think and communicate – in both speech and writing. It shows through the intellect what you choose to retain and use as well as discard and/or ignore. If you had your chart calculated, you now know where Mercury was when you were born.

Mercury in Aries shows a way of thinking that is quick, decisive and can be combative. The decision-making process is impulsive and cannot tolerate those who dawdle and take too long to act. Fond of debate.

Mercury in Taurus is value-based thinking; what is practical, which means they have an affinity for business and managerial positions. Focusing on what is most important, means overlooking small details.

Mercury rules Gemini reveals versatility, curiosity and comfort in logic and reason. Capable of knowledge and aptitude in many professions, and can communicate eloquently. Too much stimuli leads to fragile nerves.

Mercury in Cancer shows emotions, whether their own or others around them, influence the thinking process. Can sometimes take things said to them too personally. Comfortable in real estate, catering and consumer goods.

Mercury in Leo reveals strong powers of concentration, ability to solve complex problems. Opinions are developed with great consideration and almost impossible to change. Affinity toward stock market analysis.

Mercury also rules Virgo, giving a precise, analytical mind. The curiosity that drives Gemini is turned into fascination in Virgo. Methodical and accurate, but can be buried in details. Can achieve success in areas of medicine, math and research.

Mercury in Libra reveals a curious mind; fascinated by psychology, and why people behave in certain manners. Decision making is slow as all sides are considered first. Successful in law, psychology, astrology and counseling.

Mercury in Scorpio, a determined, resourceful mind, and no qualms about telling it like it is. Prefer to work behind the scenes and alone, tendency to mistrust others, making them good scientists, investigators, and researchers.

Mercury in Sagittarius indicates a prophetic mind, insightful, concerned more with public opinion than logic and facts. A need to remember a popular idea does not mean it’s right. Affinity for professions in public institutions, universities and politics.

Mercury in Capricorn reveals a shrewd, disciplined mind, organized, thorough, realistic. It is rare to pull the wool over the eyes of Capricorn as they see things for what they are. Good mathematical as well as managerial skills. Can be ambitious and serious.

Mercury in Aquarius, an objective, original, intuitive and innovative mind. Nothing surprises them and they can shrug off experiences that unnerve or upset  others. Can be telepathic. Affinity for philanthropy, science, astrology and occult professions.

Mercury in Pisces, a sponge-like mind; collecting thoughts, sensations and memories of their own (as well as others). Unconscious emotions can influence as well as distort thinking. Many composers, artists and musicians have Mercury in this sign.

6. The Moon & Your Inner Self

The Moon shows a person’s emotional response to life’s situation. It also shows what childhood experiences color the emotions and reactions. It represents the home life, heritage, maternal figures as well as how the person interacts with the public at large and women in general. This luminary rules the sign Cancer.

Moon in Aries: Temperamental, impulsive, and independent, with a “my way or the highway” mentality. Tend to dominate those they love emotionally. Their tempers can flare up suddenly and once the outburst is released, the anger is soon forgotten.

Moon in Taurus: The Moon here is very strong because Taurus is the sign of exaltation. Emotions are steady, however, desires financial or material gain in order to feel secure. They are fond of good food, drink and usually very good at growing things.

Moon in Gemini: The nervous energy may bring practical ability, and for many, cause them to rationalize their emotions to the point that they don’t know what they really feel. They can spread their feelings so thin that others may call them superficial.

Moon in Cancer: Indicates a strong tie to home, family, mother, heritage and children. Extremely sensitive to the moods and feelings of others around them, and sometimes they tend to take things too personally, which may cause them to sulk and brood.

Moon in Leo: Tendency to dramatize their feelings out of an unconscious need to be admired, appreciated and loved. Just like the other fire signs (Aries, Sagittarius), Leo tends to emotionally dominate those within their home. Inclined to be stubborn.

Moon in Virgo: Great concern for health, diet as well as hygiene and housekeeping. Meticulous when it comes to detail, they make good cooks, who create meals that are not only tasty but healthy as well. Enjoys working quietly behind the scenes.

Moon in Libra: Courteous, gracious, dislikes vulgarity and can be easily upset by inharmonious domestic situations. Strongly sensitive to the attitudes and vibes of others around them, seeks approval of others to maintain balance and peace.

Moon in Scorpio: While the Moon in Taurus is exalted, in Scorpio it’s in its fall. Very possessive nature and when extreme, can hold grudges as well as plot revenge. Can be quite stubborn and tends to brood and revels in subtly influencing family members.

Moon in Sagittarius: Aspires to high but not very realistic goals. Fond of travel to foreign lands and will often take up residence far from the birthplace. Strong attachment to the religious and philosophic views of their parents. Beware of arrogant nature.

Moon in Capricorn: Cautious, reserved, somewhat cold and austere nature. Can take life almost too seriously and identifies mainly with material with few spiritual values. Like its opposite sign Cancer, can take things too personally and is insecure about self worth.

Moon in Aquarius: Capable of sympathizing with the needs of humanity as a whole. Tends to be friendly but in an impersonal way. Demands freedom within the domestic sphere, where their relationships can be unusual. Can be fearful of emotional ties.

Moon in Pisces: A vivid imagination, to the point of creating their own world to protect themselves due to a supersensitive emotional nature. Feelings can be hurt easily, can also be excessively shy, yet there is an affinity for poetic artistic or musical pursuits.

5. Astrological Houses in a Nutshell

The astrological chart wheel is broken down into twelve equal 30° houses and each represent specific areas. In the traditional method, the first six are the personal houses and the last six, the social. Just a note, if you’re looking at your chart and you have no planets in say your second house, it does not mean you don’t value anything, or that you won’t be able to make money. However if you have a group of planets (known as a stellium) in one house, this is something that would catch an astrologer’s attention. Here are the keywords, philosophical as well as traditional meanings to each of the 12 houses.

1st House – Ascendant (also known as the Rising Sign)
Philosophical interpretation:  Awareness of self; the particular destiny
Keywords:  Person outlook
Traditional interpretation: Personality, body form, outlook

2nd House
Philosophical interpretation: Life substance to be used by self, the social substance, unable to work out destiny, wealth
Keywords:  How you make money
Traditional interpretation: Health, wealth, possessions, financial gain or loss

3rd House
Philosophical interpretation: The environment, relationship of personal self to physical, substance
Keywords: Communication, family
Traditional interpretation: Brethren, neighbors, short journeys, letters, lower mind

4th House -- Nadir
Philosophical interpretation: The soul, base of operations, father, concretization of self
Keywords: Home, parents, land
Traditional interpretation: Home, parents, father, end of life, land and real estate

5th House
Philosophical interpretation: Exteriorization of self, creative and procreative activity, recreations
Keywords: Recreation, procreation, creation
Traditional interpretation: Children, artistic creations, speculations, recreations

6th House
Philosophical interpretation: Conflicts, resulting from H5, enmity of other personal selves, including the cells of one’s own body
Keywords: Employment, illness
Traditional interpretation: Sickness, service, private enemies

7th House -- Descendant
Philosophical interpretation: The sense of human relationship on a basis of giving & taking. Interchange of vital energies and ideas
Keywords: One to one relationships
Traditional interpretation: Marriage & Partnerships

8th House
Philosophical interpretation: Destruction of personal limitations as a result of human interchange. Enlargement of viewpoint, regeneration
Keywords: Rebirth, sometimes death, joint finances
Traditional interpretation: Death & legacies

9th House
Philosophical interpretation: The abstract mind, mental adjustment to racial ideas and collective needs
Keywords: Religion & Education
Traditional interpretation: Religion, philosophy, science, writing, distant travels

10th House -- Midheaven
Philosophical interpretation: base of operation in human society, business, mother in whom racial consciousness and the rational soul are concretized
Keywords: Profession, self discipline, sacrifice
Traditional interpretation: Honor, fame, public position, mother

11th House
Philosophical interpretation: Circle of acquaintances and the friends, new ideals of human and social relationships, dreams and efforts
Keywords: Friends, dreams
Traditional interpretation: friends, wishes, hopes, flatterers

12th House
Philosophical interpretation: Conflict with the inertial forces of society, forces which brought the self into incarnation, overcoming of karma
Keywords: Self undoing

Traditional interpretation: Hidden enemies, fate, confinement