I answered
a reader’s question regarding medical astrology recently, and will list the
illnesses associated with each sign. Remember, just because certain ailments
are ruled by your sign, does not mean you will develop this illness. Planets in
certain signs, the Ascendant, Sixth and Twelfth Houses, as well as aspects will
point to certain areas of concern. Here is the traditional list.
AILMENTS: High blood pressure, burns,
concussion, contagious diseases in general, encephalitis, fevers, bone
fractures, gastritis, migraines, hernias, hemorrhoids, hives, jaundice,
blemishes, rheumatic fever, scarlet fever, smallpox.
AILMENTS: Diabetes, goiters, laryngitis,
lymphatic ailments, smallpox, throat diseases, tonsilitis, genital disorders,
thyroid, ears.
AILMENTS: Amnesia, bowel troubles, bronchitis,
dry coughs, nervous diseases, fractures, ailments of the hands, hay fever,
headaches, hoarseness, hypersensitivity, lung troubles, pneumonia, body
AILMENTS: Abscesses, allergies, asthma, colic,
digestive troubles, dropsy, dyspepsia, edema, epilepsy, excess fluidity,
insomnia, vertigo, palsy, lymphatic disorders
AILMENTS: Cataracts, heat exhaustion,
structural eye afflictions and disorders, fainting spells, fever, feverish
ailments, weakness and irregularities of the heart action, hot flashes,
curvature of the spine, spinal ailments in the dorsal region.
AILMENTS: Bowel troubles, bronchitis, dry
coughs, nervous diseases, forgetfulness, hay fever, headaches, hoarseness,
hypersensitivity, insomnia, intestinal afflictions, pulmonary troubles, speech
impediments, stuttering, bodily tremors, vocal disorders
AILMENTS: Diabetes, generative diseases,
glandular swellings in the neck, kidney diseases, lymphatic ailments, renal disorders,
tonsillitis, lumbago
AILMENTS: Amnesia, generative diseases, genital
disorders, VD, injuries to the groin, hemorrhoids, enlargement of the prostate
gland, tapeworms, toxemia, viruses.
AILMENTS: Abscesses, blood disorders, high and
low blood pressure, boils, congestion in the body, diabetes, deformities and
ailments of the feet, hip diseases, obesity, pleurisy
AILMENTS: Hardening of the arteries, arthritis,
atrophy, blood clots, bone diseases and broken bones, bruises, skin cancer,
impeded circulation, dental trouble, gall stones, hives, hyperacidity,
jaundice, kidney stones, Lupus, T.B., renal stones, polio, palsy, spinal
AILMENTS: convulsions, cramps (intestinal),
spasmodic and nervous diseases, emphysema, fits, bone fractures,
hallucinations, psychic disturbances, ailments of the lower legs, lesions,
shocks, ruptures
AILMENTS: comas, anemia, alcoholism, addiction,
absentmindedness, foot ailments, glandular imbalances and swellings,
sleepwalking, poisoning, diseases from bites, stings or drugs
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